Scott Noegel has been been making music, visual art, and films since he was a child. More recently, he has been active in creating and serving arts organizations. He has served on the Mayor's Arts Task Force in Seattle and has held two terms on the Seattle Arts Commission. He has received a number of grants for his digital and film work and has been a nominee for the Rockefeller Foundation National Film/Video Fellowship as well as National Endowment for the Arts. In 2002, he was awarded the City of Seattle Distinguished Citizen Medal for service in the arts. In 2016, Scott Noegel gave the commencement address for his alma mater, UW-Milwaukee, after he was awarded an Honorary Ph.D. in Letters for "significant contributions in the field of Ancient and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures” and for an “extraordinary reputation" as an artist, musician, and filmmaker.
Below you will find representative examples of his artistic works. By clicking on the Music category you will learn about his orchestral compositions and several of his art bands and musical projects from the early 1980s to the present (some of it free to download). The Film category contains information about his films, videos, and cable television program. Under Visual Art you will find a selection of his drawings and paintings. To see a detailed version of the art work click on the magnifying glass to the lower right. Within each category use the forward and back arrows to advance to additional works.